Teens in Foster Care

A stable, family setting can work wonders for a teenager in foster care. Hear from two of our foster parents who’ve found joy in watching foster children grow and thrive in their households. A home-cooked meal … someone who shows interest in them … encourages them … and gives them a voice. That’s what these young people need to flourish. Who’s ready to open their home and fill an important void for a child in-need?


The positive impact of a stable home environment

All teens need a secure and loving home to grow in - where they can learn, explore their world and discover who they are. With the support of an understanding caregiver, it's possible for young people to develop into confident adults capable of making sound decisions from life experiences guided by trustworthy advice. Alternately, unstable living conditions during these formative years can have devastating effects – resulting not only in disruption within family life but also with long-term implications with relationships, mental health issues or career opportunities.


The numbers behind the obstacles

Foster youth are facing an uphill battle with the odds significantly stacked against them. Without stability and proper guidance, they're three times more likely to drop out of school than their low-income peers. Even when those in care reach adulthood, it's deeply concerning that they face higher risks of homelessness and unemployment – a heartbreaking reality brought on by lack of support networks.


Letting kids be kids

Teens have the right to grow and develop their own identity, through meaningful experiences like participating in activities with their parents and friends, and having a supportive home environment where they can freely and lovingly work toward their aspirations.
Take that first step

Interested in learning more about becoming a foster caregiver?

Teen Foster Care Parent Testimonials